28th April 2023
What can I say about this hike, for starters it wasn’t meant to be a hike, it was meant to be a flat walk due to one of our friends having a bad knee….That turned quite quickly into a long hike which came with a very interesting day! Although to be fair, the friend that had the bad knee, it was their fault we walked so far lol.
I ended up doing the most steps I have ever done on a hike when I completed Ennerdale water and that includes when I completed Ben Nevis! I managed to do a whopping 39089 steps.
We started the day walking around the water. Mainly flat with some up hill/scrambling. The dog was lovely the water though. We decided it was time to stop for lunch too while we did have the flats and the view of the water.
The main problem with this are was ticks, We were pulling them off the poor dog all day long, my friend was pulling them off days later too.
We decided to make the route a little longer and ended up at the River Liza where we ended up having a cold water dip…or in my case….feet dip. We were sat there enjoying the cold weather when Bailey the dog decided he wanted to go and check out the other dog from a distance, with wet feet in untied boots on pebbles I start chasing after Bailey. while his dad had a towel wrapped round him shouting sorry and the girls laughing their heads off. That was an interesting 5 minutes we will never forget.
After our dip, we got dried and dressed and started walking again, we ended up taking a massive uphill we were not expecting in the forest, this was so tiring and such a slog. The weather was warm, Bailey was pulling at our friend who had the bad knee so we had to swap the dog over and carry a stick Bailey could pay attention to instead. It took us a long while to get to the top of the forest but when we did we were given a surprise view of Wainwrights on a horseshoe, it was a shame we were already so far through the day so we were unable to go and attempt and of them.
We took a walk around before heading back down another steep hill, while watching farmers herd their sheep up into the mountains. We managed to get back to the River and continued around the lake to finish off the hike. The rest of the hike was very flat and we got to enjoy the sun coming down over the water.
This is one of the only times I have ended up broken from a hike! Mainly because I wasn’t prepared for such a big hike on a small walk round some water haha! I think this broke all of us.
Despite all of this, it is a hike I have to highly recommend to anyone if you want something different. It is such a beautiful walk, there are scrambles and wainwrights you can add to this hike if you have enough time. Honestly one of my favourite hikes so far! If you like your long hikes with a water and forest feel, where you are guaranteed to not see too many people, this is the place to go, what is an even more amazing idea is we spotted a couple of people heading down there for a wild camp when we were leaving! 100% a beautiful spot for a wild camp or a picnic!
You will find many more of our interesting hikes on here, on our socials and on our YouTube! You can find everything on this link: https://linktr.ee/Acasualhikersguide Come and join us and see where we head off to next!
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